

It all started in 1954 with a vision of a healthier community. All these decades later, that vision hasn't changed. 


STHS Governance


St. Tammany Parish Hospital Service District No. 1 – St. Tammany Health System – is governed by an eight-member Board of Commissioners, six appointed by the St. Tammany Parish Council to six-year staggered terms, one elected by the medical staff to a one-year term and one nonvoting member, the Parish President or designee. 


The St. Tammany Health System Board of Commissioners meets once a month and governs hospital operations.


Board of Commissioners

Meet the men and women who govern St. Tammany Health System operations.


John A. Evans | Chairman

John A. Evans

Thomas D. Davis | Vice Chairman

Thomas D. Davis
Vice Chairman

Sue Osbon PhD | Sectary/Treasurer

Sue Osbon PhD

Merrill Laurent MD | Medical Staff Representative

Merrill Laurent MD
Medical Staff Representative

Wilson D. Bulloch III

Wilson D. Bulloch III

Dale Jenkins

Dale Jenkins

Ed Dillard

Ed Dillard

Kasey Hosch

Kasey Hosch

Meetings and Minutes

The following is a record of the agendas and minutes of the St. Tammany Parish Hospital Service District No. 1 Board of Commissioners as well as its facilities and finance/audit committees.


Board of Commissioners

Board Room | 12:30-5 p.m.
1202 S. Tyler St. | Covington



Board Room | 12:30-3 p.m.
1202 S. Tyler St. | Covington


Finance/Audit Committee

Board Room | 12:30-3:30 p.m.
1202 S. Tyler St. | Covington