Living Tobacco Free

Quitters always win.

Let our certified tobacco treatment specialists help you reach your goal of going tobacco free.

Living Tobacco Free

You know the saying: Old habits die hard. If you’ve ever tried to quit using tobacco products, you know just how true that is. 

The good news is, with St. Tammany Health System’s Living Tobacco Free program, you’ll get the tools, the confidence and the resources you need to send your habit to the ash heap once and for all. 

Topics range from emotional triggers and tobacco-replacement options to health effects and coping with slips while trying to quit. Let the certified tobacco treatment specialists at St. Tammany Health System help you reach your goal to go tobacco free. 

This is a physician-referred program. Call (985) 898-4468 to schedule a one-on-one counseling session today. Counseling is available at STPN Folsom and the Paul D. Cordes Outpatient Pavilion. (Virtual counseling available.)

St. Tammany Health System campuses are completely tobacco-free. As the largest healthcare provider in the parish, we eliminated tobacco as part of our mission to serve the community’s healthcare needs. We recognize adults’ right to use tobacco but we know its ill effects and institute this policy for the safety and health of our patients, families, employees, volunteers and physicians. Thank you for not smoking.

Your community health specialists

A sampling of STHS’s community health initiatives


HealthCheck 365

HealthCheck 365

We’ve all seen the statistics: Louisiana consistently ranks at or near the bottom of all 50 states in most significant health measures. But it doesn’t have to be that way, which is why St. Tammany Health System launched its HealthCheck 365 community outreach program in 2020.

Corporate Health Solutions

Corporate Health Solutions

Born of a desire to help businesses streamline communication and provide access to services, STHS’s Corporate Health Solutions program can help your business control costs and, in the process, help improve the overall health and wellness of your workforce.

Be Well Bus

Be Well Bus

Not everyone has convenient, reliable access to regular health screenings and checkups. That’s where STHS’s Be Well Bus comes in. A mobile medical suite designed to offer a variety of community health screenings, it brings care directly into the community, serving our neighbors where they live.

We are here.

Whether you’ve got a question to ask or an appointment to keep, getting in touch with us is a cinch. Here’s everything you need to know:

St. Tammany Health System
Paul D. Cordes Outpatient Pavilion
STHS Living Tobacco Free

16300 Highway 1085 (aka Bootlegger Road)
Covington, LA 70433

Ph: 985-898-4468