70 for 70: First and foremost



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70 for 70: First and foremost

STHS Communication Department, CommDept@stph.org

Note: This article is part of 70 for 70, a weekly series of history posts counting down to St. Tammany Health System’s 70th anniversary on Dec. 1, 2024. Today we offer installment No. 51: First and foremost.

Photo description text goes here (Photo: John Doe, Acme Photography Company)

It’s easy to say you care, of course. Talk is cheap that way.

But at St. Tammany Health System, which was founded by members of the Northshore community in 1954, compassion isn’t just talk. It’s part of the very culture of the place. Has been for decades.

In March 2002, it became codified as part of what are known as the CARES Standards, a six-point code of conduct reinforcing the culture of compassion at St. Tammany Health System and its flagship St. Tammany Parish Hospital.

And that brings us to the 51st installment in our ongoing 70-part series highlighting artifacts that help tell the St. Tammany Health System story.

Installment No. 51: First and foremost

Today’s artifact: A circa 2002 campaign-style button emblazoned with the words “Safety 1st and Foremost,” part of a collection of STHS paraphernalia belonging to STHS Patient Financial Counselor Bobbie Dreiss.

Why it is significant: They are among the first things every STHS colleague learns upon being hired into the health system: the CARES Standards.

It’s an acronym, and it spells out the expectations for interacting with patients, visitors and other colleagues. As they learn during new-hire orientation, all health system colleagues are asked to pledge to adhere to its simple but impactful tenets:

Create a positive first impression.

Anticipate Customer Needs.

Respect Patients, Staff and Others.

Efficiently Deliver Service.

Safety First and Foremost.

(The oft-repeated joke explaining why “safety” is listed last if it’s expected to be observed first and foremost is that, if “S” came first, they would be the “SCARE Standards,” which probably sets the wrong tone.)

All five standards are unified by the simple thought behind the familiar “golden rule”: Do unto others as you would have them do unto  you – or, even more simply, treat others the way you would want to be treated.

“Can you imagine what our patient satisfaction would be like if we treated each patient the way you would want your mother, father, brother, sister or loved one treated if they were in the hospital, emergency room, Breast Center, etc.?,” Chief Operating Officer Sharon Toups wrote in February 2004 in an internal newsletter fittingly called The CARES Connection. “… In order for us to provide our patients with a consistent, positive ‘WOW’ experience, we must work as a team each and every day to exceed the customer’s expectations.”

That idea has since taken root as a central theme of the health system’s culture. Every quarter, for example, four colleagues are recognized as STHS Ambassadors for their exemplification of the CARES Standards.

As for Dreiss’ “Safety 1st and Foremost” button, it was distributed decades ago to foster colleague buy-in. And why did she feel compelled to hang onto it?

The answer is simple: Because she cares.

“I’ve kept just about all the little gifts I received over the years,” she said, “because I’m proud of us and what we stand for.”

Do you have a St. Tammany Parish Hospital story or item to share? We’d love to hear about it! Email us at CommDept@stph.org.

Next week – Installment No. 52: In gratitude

Last week – Installment No. 50: The quiet giver

A closer look at some of colleague Bobbie Dreiss' collection of STHS paraphernalia. (Photo by Bobbie Dreiss/STHS)

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