Blood centers sound alarm over dwindling supply

As the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak sidelines major event after major event – from St. Patrick’s Day parades to the NBA season to major movie releases – there’s one thing that isn’t going away: the nationwide need for blood donors.
In fact, that need is only increasing in the face of the virus, according joint news release issued Thursday (March 11) by the American Red Cross and blood bank organizations to call attention to the nation’s dwindling blood supply.
“We need people to start turning out in force to give blood,” said Dr. Peter Marks, director of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. “We need people to prevent the blood supply from getting depleted. We need it not to get to the point that surgeries are having to get canceled.”
Fear of COVID-19 is keeping many from donating blood and, in some cases, prompting the cancellation of blood drives. The release, however, noted that the blood donation process doesn’t pose any known risks to blood donors.
Similarly, there have been no reported or suspected cases of transfusion-transmitted coronavirus, officials said.
“It is safe to donate blood,” said Adm. Brett P. Giroir, the White House’s assistant secretary for health. “Part of preparedness includes a robust blood supply. Healthy individuals should schedule an appointment to donate today to ensure that blood is available for those patients who need it.”
To find out where to donate bloods in southeastern Louisiana and southern Mississippi, including planned local blood drives, visit The Blood Center for Southeastern Louisiana at
You can also find updated information on coronavirus in St. Tammany Parish at