Buddies for Life program plants seeds for beautiful friendships



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Tuesday, May 16, 2023


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Buddies for Life program plants seeds for beautiful friendships

Mike Scott, mscott@stph.org

St. Tammany Hospital Foundation and the St. Tammany Health System grounds crew joined recently with Christwood retirement community, STARC of Louisiana and LOPA for a gardening day as part of a new program called ‘Buddies for Life.’ Envisioned as a way to combat social isolation in at-risk groups, the program is an outgrowth of the Chevron Community Fellows Program, administered by Northshore Community Foundation. (Photos by Tim San Fillippo)

Things were bright this past May on the campus of St. Tammany Health System’s flagship St. Tammany Parish Hospital.

The sun was bright. The flowers were bright. And the smiles were perhaps brightest of all.

It was all because of a particularly bright idea, named Buddies for Life, designed to bring members of the community together and, in the process, forge friendships among two groups traditionally at risk of social isolation.

“It feels great to see it become reality,” said Nicole Suhre, executive director of St. Tammany Foundation. “We worked really intensely on this – and, really, this is just the start – but seeing it come together, it’s so gratifying and so fun.”

In this case, that fun centered on residents from the local Christwood retirement community, who buddied up with intellectually challenged representatives from STARC of Louisiana to beautify the hospital’s gardens with 111 flowering plants.

The hope is that it will be the beginning of some beautiful friendships.

“We’re going to do a yearlong set of projects, all different projects,” Suhre said. “The first one’s gardening, but we’re doing different things through the year to pair those two groups together.”

The whole idea is the result of the Chevron Community Fellows Program, operated in conjunction with Northshore Community Foundation and designed bring the leaders of local nonprofit groups together to form bonds and to better the community all at once.

Now in its third year, the program invites the leaders of 15 or so local nonprofits to participate in a yearlong project in which each is teamed with three others – which may or may not have any obvious connection, mission-wise – and challenges them to come up with a community project that leverages the unique capabilities of each.

We worked really intensely on this – and, really, this is just the start – but seeing it come together, it’s so gratifying and so fun."

- St. Tammany Hospital Foundation Executive Director Nicole Suhre

Those ideas are then pitched to a panel of judges, similar to the entrepreneurial-focused reality series “Shark Tank,” who offer feedback.

Winning ideas are then awarded a grant to make their project become a reality.

As part of the program’s second class, St. Tammany Hospital Foundation was teamed with the Christwood Foundation, STARC and Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency.

“We went through a lot of iterations of ideas, and, after some hits and misses, we got some guidance and came up with the Buddies for Life program,” Suhre said.

They were also awarded a $3,000 grant to serve as seed money in getting the program off the ground. That won’t fund the whole project, but Suhre is convinced St. Tammany Hospital Foundation and its partners in the Buddies for Life program will be able to get by with a little help from their own friends.

“We’re going to use our personal donors and resources and try to forge some relationships in the community for in-kind giving to help with the project throughout the year,” Suhre said.

Even though its only in its infancy, watching the Christwood and STARC representatives planting the seeds of friendship was enormously satisfying, Suhre added.

That goes double for Northshore Foundation Vice President Leslie Spencer Landry, who helps oversee the Chevron Community Fellows Program.

“It’s really about encouraging them to think outside the box, be innovative, be creative and come together to use each others’ resources to form some collaborative partnerships. And what happens after this? We are encouraged by this partnership and look forward to watching it and others like it grow.”

In addition to beautifying the hospital’s gardens, the Buddies for Life team also restocked the planters just outside the second-story ICU waiting area.

St. Tammany Health System Grounds Technician Christopher Rushing lends support to the Buddies for Life participants.

Some new buddies dig in, helping beautify the gardens at St. Tammany Health System’s flagship St. Tammany Parish Hospital.

St. Tammany Hospital Foundation Executive Director Nicole Suhre thanks the Buddies for Life participants for their hard work.

Representatives of STARC of Louisiana get their hands dirty as part of the new Buddies for Life program, an outgrowth of the Chevron Community Fellows Program administered by Northshore Community Foundation.

St. Tammany Health System Grounds Supervisor Robin Percle, right, helps devise a planting plan for the Buddies for Life project at St. Tammany Health System’s flagship St. Tammany Parish Hospital in Covington.

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