Healing Arts Rotating Gallery Reception
Healing Arts Committee Hosts Reception for New Rotating Gallery Exhibit 
COVINGTON – The St. Tammany Hospital Foundation’s Healing Arts Committee is hosting a reception to open the second artist exhibit in its rotating art gallery series on July 13, 4-6 p.m., in the St. Tammany Parish Hospital main lobby. The event will include a brief program and artist recognition at 4:30 p.m., and tours of the galleries.
“This is one of many ongoing projects to promote a sense of well-being and renewal to those who visit and work for the hospital,” said Nicole Suhre, foundation executive director. “It demonstrates the foundation’s commitment to the healing of patients, families and employees at St. Tammany Parish Hospital.”
Seven local artists will be exhibited through September 5 in the Education hallway off of the main lobby, and 3 North bridge and patient hallways. Artists showcased include, Ed Estapa, Erin Rode-Fiorello, Ferris Hotard, Pegge Hesse, Georgia Trist, Susan Tullos and Sue Zaunbrecher. The exhibit, titled “No Place Like Home,” will include a mixture of oils on canvas, pastels and photography capturing the natural landscapes and treasures of St. Tammany.
For more information go to sthfoundation.org/HealingArts or contact Nicole Suhre at 985-898-4171 or nsuhre@stph.org.
A full-service acute care facility committed to providing world-class healthcare and the latest technology, St. Tammany Parish Hospital delivers today’s life-improving procedures with the utmost care to area residents with emphasis on wellness, preventive care and disease management close to home. STPH is a self-supporting not-for-profit community hospital; it receives no ad valorem tax funding. STPH.org