Following directions sounds easy enough, but adults often give children directions that they do not understand and don’t know how to follow. Some problems can be prevented if a parent learns how to give directions that are age-appropriate and make sense to a child.
Below are some tips from The Parenting Center to help you teach your child how to follow directions:
Give one direction at a time. Children need small tasks they can accomplish. When you give multiple directions it can be overwhelming for a child, resulting in them not completing the task at hand.
- Make sure you state a clear statement of what is expected of them. Tell them what you want them to do, not what you don’t want them to do. For example “use your walking feet” instead of “don’t run!”
- Be straight-forward. This can be a challenging one! When you state directions to a child, state them as “matter of fact,” not as a question. A lot of times as parents, we will ask our children if they want to do something, when really, they have no choice in the matter. When you ask them a question, be prepared for them to tell you no or resist. For example instead of, “Can you please put on your shoes?,” try saying firmly, “Put on your shoes. I will be here if you need help.”
- Make eye contact with your child when giving a direction. That will mean getting down their level – and remember to never shouting a command from across the room. Physically go up to the child, make eye contact, get on their level and then give them the direction.
Parenting is one of the toughest jobs and the Parenting Center is here for you. If encouraging your children is something your family is struggling with, please reach out. We are here to help. At $20, we offer Parenting Coaching by appointment, so call the Parenting Center to set up an appointment with one of our educators for guidance and assistance on how to help you create moments of encouragement within your daily lives.
Below, find some upcoming classes available. You can also learn more about the Parenting Center, including a listing of upcoming classes, activities and playgroups.
Alexis Dill, MS PLMFT, is the education coordinator at The Parenting Center.