STPH--America's 100 Best for Spine Surgery

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 14, 2019
Healthgrades Names STPH Among America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Spine Surgery
Plus 5-Star ratings for spinal fusion, carotid surgery, pacemaker, pneumonia, respiratory failure, sepsis, stroke
COVINGTON – Healthgrades named St. Tammany Parish Hospital one of America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Spine Surgery in its annual performance evaluation of nearly 4,500 hospitals nationwide. In the same survey, Healthgrades awarded STPH five-star ratings for carotid surgery, pacemaker procedures, spinal fusion and treatment of pneumonia, respiratory failure, sepsis and stroke.
Healthgrades 2020 Report to the Nation examines 32 of the most common inpatient procedures and conditions using Medicare data to help patients find the highest quality, safest care nearest their home. A 5-star rating indicates clinical outcomes at STPH are statistically significantly better than expected when treating the condition or performing the procedure being evaluated.
Variation in care has a significant impact on health outcomes. From 2016-2018, if all hospitals as a group performed similarly to STPH and its fellow hospitals receiving 5-stars, 220,019 lives could potentially have been saved and 149,403 complications could potentially have been avoided.
“As consumers navigate their health, it is important to consider a number of factors, including hospital quality, before deciding where to access care,” said Brad Bowman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Healthgrades. “We recognize those hospitals that have proven their dedication to quality care and exceptional outcomes over time and we applaud their efforts and achievement.”
St. Tammany Parish Hospital consistently earns national recognitions for quality, safety and patient experience.
A full-service acute care facility committed to providing world-class healthcare and the latest technology, St. Tammany Parish Hospital delivers today’s life-improving procedures with the utmost care to area residents with emphasis on wellness, preventive care and disease management close to home. STPH is recognized for quality, safety and the patient experience by CareChex, Leapfrog, Healthgrades, Hospital Compare, Women’s Choice and US News & World Report. St. Tammany Parish Hospital is an independent service district in a clinically integrated partnership with Ochsner Health System. Together, the two organizations focus on aligning their healthcare offerings to best serve patients and families in west St. Tammany and surrounding areas. Under their agreement, the two organizations retain their autonomy; neither partner manages nor owns the other. STPH is a self-supporting not-for-profit community hospital; it receives no tax funding. Learn more at
Healthgrades analysis: For its analysis, Healthgrades evaluated approximately 45 million Medicare inpatient records for nearly 4,500 short-term acute care hospitals nationwide to assess hospital performance in 32 common conditions and procedures, and evaluated outcomes in appendectomy and bariatric surgery using all-payer data provided by 15 states. Healthgrades recognizes a hospital’s quality achievements for cohort-specific performance, specialty area performance, and overall clinical quality. Individual procedure or condition cohorts are designated as 5-star (statistically significantly better than expected), 3-star (not statistically different from expected) and 1-star (statistically significantly worse than expected) categories. View the full list of Specialty Excellence AwardTM recipients here. The complete Healthgrades 2020 Report to the Nation and detailed study methodology, can be found at