Heroes thanking heroes: Sheriff’s Office salutes STHS healthcare workers

(Photo by Bradley Leonhard)
By STHS Communication Department
Community support for the work of St. Tammany Health System employees during the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak continues to pour in. The most recent display of gratitude came from the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office, which showed up en masse Wednesday (April 1) evening and Thursday morning at the main hospital campus – and at other hospitals across the parish – to salute healthcare workers.
The Sheriff’s Office turnout at STHS included around a dozen marked police vehicles – with lights flashing – and a banner reading, “Thank you to our heroes.” Several uniformed officers were also on hand to thank healthcare workers personally as they walked into the building.
“The men and women who work in our local hospitals are always very supportive of the Sheriff’s Office, and we want to return that support,” the Sheriff’s Office wrote in a statement accompanying photos of the visit posted to its Facebook page. “They are the true heroes putting their lives on the line to care for the people of our parish.
The statement continued: “To all of our doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and hospital employees: Thank you, we love you, we support you and we are praying for you!”
The Sheriff’s Office then encouraged its Facebook followers to join in by offering their own expressions of thanks in the post’s comment stream. Read them in the original Facebook post, embedded below.