LOPA shows its support for STHS team

LOPA Donation Services Coordinator Susana Ruddock, left, presents a sign of gratitude to STPH leadership on Thursday, April 30. (Photo by Tim San Fillippo / STHS)
By STHS Communication Department
Signs of gratitude for the lifesaving work of the team at St. Tammany Health System amid the COVID-19 crisis are turning up everywhere you look throughout the community.
In the case of the Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency, we mean that literally.
LOPA Donation Services Coordinator Susana Ruddock presented hospital leadership with a sign expressing its thanks to STHS colleagues on Thursday morning (April 30).
“This is just a thank you,” said Ruddock, who noted that LOPA and St. Tammany Health System have developed a strong working relationship over the years. “We’re usually in the hospital all the time.”
The sign will greet STHS team members parking in the Riverside/Lot 7 parking lot just off 8th Avenue.
Among those accepting the sign on the hospital’s behalf were STHS CEO Joan Coffman, Chief Nursing Officer Kerry Milton, Assistant Vice President - Critical Care Teresa Krutzfeldt, Emergency Services Director Bradley Leonhard and Chaplain Zac Ritchie.