Mandeville drive-through COVID-19 testing site to observe holiday hours

A St. Tammany Health System nurse prepares to conduct a COVID-19 test at the health system’s drive-through testing site in Mandeville in March 2020. (Photo by Tim Fillippo / STHS)
By STHS Communication Department
St. Tammany Health System’s drive-through COVID-19 testing site at its Mandeville Diagnostic Center will operate under limited hours on Friday (July 3) in observance of the July 4th holiday weekend.
The hours of operation for the drive-through that day will be from 8 to 11:30 a.m.
All patients seeking to be tested at the drive-through must have a physician’s orders. Because many doctor’s offices are expected to be closed on Friday for the holiday, it is highly recommended that anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms call or arrange a video visit with their doctor on Thursday to get doctor’s orders ahead of time.
Visit for detailed information on video visits, including how to schedule an appointment.