STHS COVID-19 test collection site moves to Highway 22

St. Tammany Health System lab tech Andrea Stroo prepares a COVID-19 specimen for testing at the health system’s in-house lab in Covington. (Photo by Mike Scott / STHS)
By STHS Communication Department
To better accommodate local residents in need of COVID-19 testing, St. Tammany Health System’s COVID-19 collection site – where specimens are collected to be tested for presence of the novel coronavirus – has relocated to 4410 Highway 22 in Mandeville, adjacent to Tiffany Lanes.
The site will operate Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for patients with doctor’s orders. Results are expected to be returned in three to five days.
COVID-test lab specimen collection will no longer take place at the health system’s Mandeville Diagnostic Center on St. Ann Drive, which has operated as a drive-through collection site since March.
The new operation on Highway 22 is not a drive-through, although patients will be registered from their vehicle and texted to enter the building once registration is complete.
As with all St. Tammany Health System facilities, masks are required for all patients, visitors and employees.
(Image via Google Maps)