Guild, Medical Staff award eight scholarships to STHS colleagues

The six recipients of the 2020 St. Tammany Hospital Guild scholarships are, from left, Shaneil Lenoir-Byrd, Stacy Ducre-Partman, Angelle Lynch, Jamia Bolton-Mark, Emily Elder and Debora Bertucci. (Photo by Bradley Leonhard / STHS)
By STHS Communication Department
COVINGTON, La. – Eight St. Tammany Health System employees received $13,000 in scholarships this month from the St. Tammany Hospital Guild and the Health System’s Medical Staff Committee.
The guild, an all-volunteer organization that raises money to the hospital through various means – including operation of the hospital’s Gift Shoppe – awarded six 2020 scholarships to health system employees who are pursing education to further their medical careers. Each of the six Guild scholarships were worth $1,500.
The six recipients are:
- Shaneil Lenoir-Byrd LPN, a nurse with the health system’s St. Tammany Pediatrics practice. Shaneil has been with STHS since September 2017.
- Stacy Ducre-Partman, an Emergency Department technician who has been with STHS since September 2012.
- Angelle Lynch COTA, a certified occupational therapist with the hospital’s Inpatient Therapy Department. She has been with the health system since April 2016.
- Jamia Bolton-Mark LPN, a licensed practical nurse working as a unit assistant in the Hospital Medicine Department. She has been with STHS since February 2016.
- Emily Elder, a clinical informatics specialist who has been with the health system since March 2019.
- Debora Bertucci RN, a care coordinator with Transitional Care. Debora has been with STHS since November 2005.
Additionally, the Medical Staff Committee awarded its fall 2020 Nursing Scholarships, worth $2,000 each, to:
- Jennifer Freman, an Intensive Care nurse tech who has been with the health system since May.
- Kemar Harrison, a psychiatric tech in the Emergency Department. Kemar has been with STHS since June 2017.

St. Tammany Health System officials pose with Intensive Care Nurse Tech Jennifer Freman (center left) and ED Psychiatric Tech Kemar Harrison (center right), the recipients of the fall 2020 STHS Medical Staff Scholarship for Nursing. (Photo by Tim San Fillippo / STHS)