Guild Gifts Teddy Bears to Each Child Patient

Mary Ann Brockhaus, STPH Guild volunteer, and Jeanne Dakin, Nurse Practitioner
Just being in the hospital can be frightening for children so Mary Ann Brockhaus, an STPH Guild volunteer, created the hospital’s new teddy bear outreach to place a furry friend in the arms of each young patient.
Bears will be given upon admittance to Ochsner Hospital for Children at St. Tammany Parish Hospital or the STPH pediatric emergency department. Initial donations enabled the STPH gift shop to purchase 100 bears, and fundraising efforts will sustain the program.
“As a grandmother and great grandmother, being able to comfort our children is a great gift,” says Mary Ann, “Kids are our world, and they love teddy bears.” Immediately after Mary Ann shared this thought, a young St. Tammany Parish resident was admitted to pediatrics. The child’s mother graciously reported, “Almost immediately after receiving the bear my daughter began to become more comfortable and ready for treatment.”
Ochsner Hospital for Children at St. Tammany Parish Hospital thanks the Guild for its commitment. If you would like to help support the teddy bear outreach or would like to learn more about volunteering as a Guild member please contact Shirley Primes,