How to feed your family, starve coronavirus

By STHS Communications Department
Social distancing and self-imposed isolation are crucial steps we can all take to contain the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. They’re not so good, however, for owners of local restaurants.
On Monday, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards announced sweeping restrictions aimed at halting the rapidly spreading disease, including requiring all in-state restaurants to close their dining rooms and offer only take-out, drive-through or delivery orders.
To help local eateries deal with the resulting drop in business while also keeping everyone as safe as possible from coronavirus, the St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce – which counts STHS as a member – recently unveiled a novel “St. Tammany Eats” campaign.
Built around a branded St. Tammany Eats Facebook page, it invites local diners and local restaurants – whether Chamber members or not – to share information about local take-out and delivery options, including menus, specials and other pertinent info.
“It’s important to support our local businesses and their employees as we adapt to this changing situation,” the Chamber wrote on the page’s originating post. “Restaurants are welcomed and encouraged to share their info as well. Be sure to use the hashtags #StTammanyEats #StTammanyChamber to help us and others find your info.”
Find and follow the St. Tammany Eats page at