STPH offers Webcams for Parents of NICU Patients
Hospital offers Webcams for Parents of Neonatal Patients 
COVINGTON – Through the generosity of a gift from the St. Tammany Hospital Foundation, the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Tammany Parish Hospital now offers NICVIEW cameras for parents and families with an infant in the NICU.
The web-based systems enable parents to securely access live video feed of their own baby in the hospital’s NICU.
“Being able to view their newborn safely in the NICU eases stress and promotes bonding,” said Nicole Norris, NICU department head. “Generally, parents coming into the hospital for a birth don’t expect to leave without their baby. It’s hard for moms and dads to go home and leave the baby here. Once they return to their daily life, they have obligations to other children, family and work. This gift can make a huge difference in their lives.”
Small, wireless cameras enable parents logged securely into their account to view real-time images of only their baby in one specific bed. The technology is password-protected and allows parents to log in to watch streaming video of their baby on any device with an Internet connection, including a smartphone. Parents may choose to share the password with family and friends.
“After protecting your little one for nine months in the womb, it is heartbreaking to be separated when a baby has to be in NICU,” said Nicole Suhre, executive director of the St. Tammany Hospital Foundation. “These cameras lessen the helplessness parents feel when their babies are admitted to intensive care. We are so grateful to the donors in our community who made these cameras possible.”
STPH is one of three organizations within the Ochsner Health Network to provide these cameras. Ochsner Baptist and Lafayette General also provide this resource for parents.
For more information about the St. Tammany Parish Hospital New Family Center or NICU, visit
A full-service acute care facility committed to providing world-class healthcare and the latest technology, St. Tammany Parish Hospital delivers today’s life-improving procedures with the utmost care to area residents with emphasis on wellness, preventive care and disease management close to home. STPH is a self-supporting not-for-profit community hospital; it receives no ad valorem tax funding.