70 for 70: Be our guests



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70 for 70: Be our guests

STHS Communication Department, CommDept@stph.org

Note: This article is part of 70 for 70, a weekly series of history posts counting down to St. Tammany Health System’s 70th anniversary on Dec. 1, 2024. Today we offer installment No. 46: Be our guests.

A collection of pages from the guest book signed by attendees of St. Tammany Parish Hospital’s 30th anniversary celebration in December 1984. (Photo by Mike Scott/STHS)

There are few things that people in South Louisiana like more than a good party, so when St. Tammany Parish Hospital marked its 30th anniversary in December 1984, hospital leaders started planning fitting ways to celebrate.

The resulting party wasn’t just any garden-variety shindig. The guest list in this case included every soul in the parish.

That brings us to today’s installment in 70 for 70, our ongoing weekly history series highlighting 70 artifacts that help tell the St. Tammany Health System story as it prepares to mark its 70th anniversary.

Installment No. 46: Be our guests

Today’s artifact: Pages from a guest book signed by attendees of St. Tammany Parish Hospital’s 30th anniversary celebration.

Why they are significant: Any party is a good party, but some are more special than others – like, for example, those with round numbers like “30.”

So, when St. Tammany Parish Hospital was drawing up plans for its 30th anniversary party, they decided to make it an open house, flinging the doors open and inviting the public to attend. The hospital’s then-new catering department provided refreshments, which included sandwiches, appetizers, fruit, punch and a cake featuring an image of the hospital.

In all, some 200 people showed up to partake, according to media reports, including some who had attended the hospital’s grand opening 30 years prior.

The hospital’s administrator at the time, Haller Alexius, explained the thinking behind making the event a public one:  

“When we talk about being the people’s hospital, we mean exactly that and more,” Alexius said. “We’re here because the people willed us into existence, and we’ve been community-oriented ever since. Even though we’ve been totally self-supporting for many years, as far as we’re concerned, the people – old-timers and newcomers alike – are our shareholders, and it’s not only our responsibility but our commitment to provide them the best possible care at the least possible cost. It’s our hope that we never lose this community orientation, no matter how much we grow.”

Do you have a St. Tammany Parish Hospital story or item to share? We’d love to hear about it! Email us at CommDept@stph.org.

Next week Installment No. 47: Let the games begin!

Last week – Installment No. 45: Drawn to care

This 1984 clipping from the St. Tammany Farmer served as an invitation to the public to attend St. Tammany Parish Hospital’s 30th anniversary celebration. (STHS archive)

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