Forget the warm milk, lullabies or whatever bedtime remedy your Mee-Maw told you would help you fall asleep. Sometimes, a lack of sleep – and the persistent unrefreshed feeling that so often goes along with it – is the result of an underlying issue.
The good news is that those issues are often treatable, which means getting a good night’s sleep doesn’t have to be the stuff of dreams. What’s more, the specialists at St. Tammany Health System’s Sleep Center – under the direction of Dr. Richard Casey – are trained and equipped to help you catch some precious Z’s.
In some cases, that will mean sending you home with a device that will measure your sleep functions from the comfort of your own bed. In other cases, we’ll welcome you into our fully accredited sleep-study facility, which boasts state-of-the-art amenities including four cozy, hotel-like bedrooms – three with queen-size beds and one special needs room – all equipped with private bathrooms, cable TV, Wi-Fi and personal air-conditioning.
And unlike ordinary sleep labs, our St. Tammany Sleep Center – which is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine – not only provides on-site, overnight testing, but also follow-up with comprehensive treatment, including with a board-certified sleep physician.
So, go ahead. Live the dream – and leave the sheep-counting to the shepherds.