Practicing self-care is vital in times of stress

With times as stressful as ever, now is the right time to remember to practice self-care, says St. Tammany Health Systems Chaplain Zac Ritchie. (Photo via Shutterstock)
By STHS Communications Department
Between social distancing, self-isolation and the cancellation of everything from the NBA season to public school classes, the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has upended countless lives in a relatively short period of time.
And while it’s only natural to feel overwhelmed by it all, St. Tammany Health System Chaplain Zac Ritchie says there are strategies you can take to help calm your mind as you find a new normal.
That starts, he said, with self-care, which involves slowing down and taking the time to engage in activities that will help calm you and recharge your batteries.
“Think of an example of going out in the garden or being in nature,” Ritchie said. “Something like that can really take a load off you considering what we’re going through at this time. I like to play the guitar. I’ll go out in my backyard and play the guitar. That’s self-care.”
Conversely, he said, it’s important to avoid self-destructive things, like overconsumption of alcohol or poor nutrition.
“(Self-care) is knowing you, knowing things that are helpful for you,” he said. “But it’s also knowing things that are not helpful for you.”
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