And the winners of the St. Tammany Hospital Foundation’s Healthcare Heroes staycation packages are …

St. Tammany Health System Infection Prevention Specialist Leslie Kelt, left, talks with Chief Nursing Officer Kerry Milton after Kelt was surprised with a Covington staycation gift package in recognition for her dedication during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photos by Mike Scott / STHS)
By STHS Communication Department
The St. Tammany Health System community has spoken, and infection prevention specialist Leslie Kelt and Environmental Services housekeeper Nancy Thorne are the winners of the St. Tammany Hospital Foundation’s Healthcare Heroes staycation prize packages.
Based on nominations submitted by STHS colleagues, the two were chosen by the foundation’s board for routinely going above and beyond the call of duty amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
Kelt and Thorne will each receive donated prizes including a one-night stay at the Southern Hotel in downtown Covington, dinner for two at Lola Restaurant, dessert from Hoodoo Ice Cream, breakfast at Toad Hollow and an only-in-Covington gift basket.
The two were surprised with the news Wednesday (June 24) by foundation representatives.
“The thing that makes my heart sing is that my colleagues know all they have to do is find me and I’ll be there for them,” said Kelt, who has worked every day – weekends included – since the hospital received its first COVID-positive patient in mid-March.
“But next time,” she hastened to add, “make sure there’s enough for me to share with everybody at St. Tammany.”
Scroll down for more photos.

St. Tammany Health System housekeeper Nancy Thorne, center, reacts after being told she won a Healthcare Heroes staycation prize package from the St. Tammany Hospital Foundation. (Photos by Mike Scott / STHS)

St. Tammany Health System's Leslie Kelt, third from left, is named the winner of a Healthcare Heroes prize package by, from left, St. Tammany Hospital Foundation Executive Director Nicole Suhre, Foundation Specialist Melanie Rudoph and Foundation Specialist Doug Walker.

From left, St. Tammany Hospital Foundation Specialist Doug Walker; STHS Environmental Services Director Davis Synakiewicz; EVS housekeeper and Healthcare Heroes prize package winner Nancy Thorne; and the Foundation's Melanie Rudoplh, Nicole Suhre and Emily Vairin.