Stacy Warner named head of Covington Surgery Center

Covington Surgery Center Director Stacy Warner BSN, as photographed on Aug. 30, 2020. (Photo by Tim San Fillippo / STHS)
By STHS Communication Department
Stacy Warner BSN, a 22-year colleague at St. Tammany Health System, has been named director of the Covington Surgery Center.
Warner brings 32 years of experience in the perioperative setting to the role and 22 years at CSC. She previously served as the Charge Nurse for CSC under Lauren Horridge.
Experienced in pre-op, intra-op, PACU and post-op, she is certified in ambulatory perianesthesia nursing (CAPA) and maintained her nursing certification as a perioperative registered nurse (CNOR) for 10 years.